email here for more info Men Making Jesus King: Week #1 Study Questions

Friday, January 16, 2009

Week #1 Study Questions

King David (1 Samuel 17:40-51)

1. David is referred to as "a man after God's own heart" by the Lord Himself (Acts 13:22). What do you think that means?

2. In one instance, a lion attacks David's sheep and David defeats the lion (1 Samuel 17:37a). In another instance, a bear attacks David's sheep and David defeats the bear (1 Samuel 17:37b). What conflicts have you faced in your life where the Lord helped you to defend and overcome?

3. It takes a certain kind of attitude to be able to do what David did to Goliath. It takes a certain kind of attitude to slay a giant (1 Samuel 17:51). David had the attitude. In your own words, describe what you think David's attitude consisted of. And then on a scale of 1 to 10, pick where you would appear in relation to having or not having the attitude of a giant killer.

4. John writes: "[G]reater is He who is in you than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4b). What kind of power do you think the Holy Spirit is desirous of releasing through your fellow Christian brothers? What kind of power (to dispatch giants!) do you think the Holy Spirit is desirous of releasing through you? Are you willing to let Him?

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